Big Lake Grassland Ecosystem Fence Modification
May 20, 2023
Project Location: We will be working on the Apache National Forest a few miles north of Big Lake in the White Mountains.
Project Begins: Saturday May 20th at 8AM. Meet at camp for specific work instructions. The campsite is located within 2 mile of the project site.
Project Activity: We will be modifying approximately 2 to 3 miles of existing low hanging four and five strand fence by removing the bottom strand(s) of barbed wire and replacing with a single strand of smooth wire at a height of 18 inches.
Pronghorn Benefits: The project is located in a high elevation grassland that is key summer range for pronghorn. Modifying these fences will allow easier access for pronghorn and elk across the summer range. Retaining the travel connectivity within the summer range is critical to maintaining this population of pronghorn which summer and reproduce near Big Lake. This project is our fifth project to enhance habitat for these migratory pronghorn. Subsequent projects will work across the primary summer range modifying and or removing livestock fences.
Volunteer Benefits: All volunteer work hours and mileage will be use as in-kind match for federally funded wildlife enhancement projects including the Arizona Game and Fish Habitat Partnership program.
What to Bring: Work gloves (The AAF will have a limited supply), snacks, water , sunscreen, personal gear.
Meals: Please provide your own lunches to eat in the field on the Saturday work days. The AAF will be providing dinners on Friday and Saturday nights and continental breakfasts with coffee and juice on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Camping Restrictions: No restrictions to note at this time, as the wetter than normal winter has reduced the need for the Forest Service to implement any fire restrictions. If fire restrictions are in place during this project they would include no open fires and the use of charcoal.
Contact: Sign up online at or call Dave Cagle at (928) 242-9871 or
Please RSVP by Monday May 15th and let us know if you are attending so we can plan to have enough food and tools for everyone.
Directions to Camp: AAF camp site will be located on the north side of Rudd Knoll, which is about 12 miles south of Highway 260 and 14 miles southwest of Eagar;
Travel 38 miles east of Pinetop on Highway 260; turn right (south) on State Highway 261 at mile post 393 (You can also take Highway 60 east from Show Low to Eagar and turn west onto Highway 260 to reach MP 393.);
Go about 12 miles south on Highway 261 to mile post 400.5 and turn left (east) at the AAF signs located on the north side of Rudd Knoll.
Access until this turnoff is paved road and the camping area starts within a ¼ mile of the highway. Please note this is a public camping area, but efforts will be made to “reserve” a specific AAF camping area.