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Our mission is to increase pronghorn populations in Arizona through habitat improvements, habitat acquisition, the translocation of animals to historic range, and public comment on activities affecting pronghorn and their habitat.  As a 501c3 nonprofit, all of our proceeds help advance our mission.

Arizona Antelope Foundation is offering scholarships for college juniors, seniors, and graduate students pursuing degree programs in wildlife sciences.

Available Scholarships:

  • Two $1,000 scholarships

    • $500 paid for Fall semester

    • $500 paid for Spring semester (to be distributed upon enrollment)

    • In addition to the scholarship, recipients receive a one-year membership to AAF, providing them with information on Arizona’s pronghorn and how they can connect with our organization

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Candidate must be either an Undergraduate Junior or Senior OR Graduate Student for the academic year in which the scholarship will be awarded

  • Scheduled to enroll as a full-time student for the fall semester/quarter

  • Student must be attending college in Arizona or an Arizona resident attending college either in state or out of state

  • Degree program in or closely related to wildlife science (conservation, wildlife ecology, wildlife conservation or management, etc.)

  • Student must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale

  • Preference given to students who have had a successful internship and/or actively volunteer in organizations related to conservation

  • Two letters of recommendation

    • From a professional or educational source (no family members), such as mentors, teachers, volunteer supervisor, or employer

  • Send unofficial transcripts as part of the application

Scholarship Cadence

  • Applications open January 1 and closes March 31.

  • Notify recipients June 15.

  • Recipient acceptance by June 30

Essay Required - Recommended Topics (500 words MAX)

  • Personal statement
  • Why have you chosen this degree program?
  • Why is wildlife conservation important to you?
  • What are your career plans/goals after graduation?
  • What makes you deserving of this scholarship?
  • If you have participated in a conservation-related internship and/or volunteer, provide a brief description of your experience and take-aways from that experience.

Applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee. Top applications will be selected by the AAF board of directors. Eligibility exceptions at the discretion of the committee.

Funds to be dispersed to the student’s account at their university to pay for tuition, fees, housing, etc.. Any unused funds at the end of their semester will be released from their account (paid to the student) and used at their discretion. 

To apply, click the below link:

Scholarship Application

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